This ancient system of growing corn, beans and squash illustrates how companion planting has been practiced with much success over the ages. Native American peoples planted them in different patterns depending on what region they lived in but overall the inspiration is based on Mother Nature. The method draws upon nature’s cycle of nutrients and flow of energy to create growing conditions that favor all three plants throughout their life cycle.
The corn provides vertical support the pole beans require to climb as well as a little shade for the squash. The squash shades the ground for the corn allowing moisture to remain in the soil longer. The pole beans provide nitrogen fertilizer by absorbing nitrogen from the air and converting to soluble nitrate in the soil. Microscopic nitrogen fixing bacteria live in small, often visible, nodules on the roots of legume plants (like beans and peas) enhancing the plants ability to absorb nitrogen.
How Native American peoples knew this I don’t know but they seemed to know a lot more about living sustainably than we do today. For more information about this planting Guild contact us today!