
Saturday, December 11, 2010

FROST and FREEZE Protection Tips

When temperatures drop to freezing (32˚F) the water inside plants freezes too.  When temperatures reach below freezing (< 28˚F ) it begins to cause extensive cellular damage and loss of plant life. 

Protection methods prevent desiccation and heat loss.

s       WATER -Water loses heat more slowly than air, as  moisture is released from the soil during the night, the temperature of the air around the plant slightly increases. 
s       COVER -Stake and cover potted plants and small trees with frost cloth, burlap, linen or old bed sheets.
s       POTTED PLANTS -Bring succulent plants, like Aloe vera, and other sensitive potted plants INSIDE.
s       COLLECT HEAT -Place milk jugs painted black and filled with water around your plants where they will collect heat from the sun during the day.
s       MULCH -Heavily mulch perennial plants that are sensitive to frost or those that have not yet begun dormancy in the event of an early hard freeze.

frosty forest garden

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