
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lego Sheet Mulch Example

My Aunt asked me recently about a good weed free mulch for topping her new sheet mulch bed -she doesn’t have a lot of on-site materials so what could she use? As a parent always trying to engage my kids in permaculture I posed this question to my 2 boys (ages 11 and 8 in 2012). 

Rather than answer me directly they were immediately inspired to create a sheet mulch example out of Lego.  I thought it was a great visual demonstration of all the layers and I decided not to press for an answer.  My question was far less interesting than building this model and they got a load of information from doing it.  Though, when finished, my eldest did tell me to make sure any mulch used was never sprayed with chemicals!

Sheet mulch layers pictured above: