
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Mulch on Site aka Chop and Drop Mulching

It’s important to consider our unique Mediterranean climate this particular time of year. Getting a basic understanding of how our seasons, the hydrologic cycle and your gardens all interact is not only fascinating but essential for healthy plants and soil life.

chop and drop wheat and other grasses for green mulch
Precipitation exceeds evaporation in the Spring*.  Air and soil temperatures gradually rise with increasing daylight hours, critters become more active, plants begin to grow again and everyone thrives with the moisture and additional warmth of early Spring.  How we can utilize this seasonal activity to our benefit and ultimately the health of the whole landscape? 

aka Chop and Drop mulching

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random photos of Springtime in Northern California

for your enjoyment...

Akebia quniata
Ladybug eggs next to aphids
Chard and mint
Turkey tail mushrooms