
Friday, April 2, 2010

Permaculture Principle of Relative Location

Relative Location:  'through proper placement of elements we can save time and energy'

In these Before and After photos we illustrate a sheet mulched turf area that has been beautified, diversified and rejuvinated in an relatively simple manner... to grow food for family and friends (all friends -2, 4, 6, 8 legged and more!)

The spiral provides easy access to the  growing area from all sides plus the beauty of a spiral in Zone 1-2.  Plants are grown with aspect in mind; shade tolerant plants to the northern edges.  The potatoes are grown vertically saving space for succession of the edible forest garden in the subcanopy beyond.

FYI: a south facing slope (aspect) increases heat absorption extending the growing season for food production and warming homes/ greenhouses in colder months...

Start small and build on success

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