
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Companion Planting, Plant Guilds and "Who likes What?"

Companion planting is an ancient gardening method which makes use of the synergistic properties found in Nature: cooperation to achieve optimum health and viability. Creating a plant guild utilizes companion planting, among other methods, to create functional connections between plants, soil, animals –one that mutually benefit all elements in the guild.

We humans have a task to help Mother Nature in our own gardens by choosing plants that respond well to each other, nestle and help each other grow and in some cases actually feed their neighbors.

Have a peek at the chart in our blog post HERE and see what plants you may have in your garden you can move next to your Rose or your Apple tree to see how they nurture each other over time. Contact us if you need help!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Calendula officinalis

Calendula, sometimes called Pot Marigold, is an easy and carefree addition to any garden.  Its origin is practically unknown but history shows it was readily used in ancient Greek, Roman, Arabic and Indian cultures as a medicinal herb as well as a dye for fabrics, foods and cosmetics.   This versatile plant has too many functions and benefits to list here but a few of them to include are:
  • Medicine –used to treat skin problems and inflammation
  • Companion plant –attracts beneficial predatory insects to gardens
  • Human Food –leaves and flowers are good in salads and sandwiches
  • Nutrient accumulator –stores nutrients vital to soil health/compost activator
  • Self sustaining –self sows and maintains itself in the garden
  • Yellow dye –food coloring or cloth  
  • Cosmetics –salves, creams and hair coloring