
Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Over 300 different species of plants thrive on this 1/3 acre property in N. California. 4 humans, 2 dogs, insects, birds, lizards, even moles co-exist in harmony within these gardens. Next animal needed: CHICKENS!
Expected food crop yield this season is approximately 1000 lbs!

Plants Shown in Picture
  • 10-30 year old fruit trees/vines: apple, fig, pomegranates, almond, grape, pepper, pecan
  • 3 Sisters Spiral + clover: Sweet corn, 7 types squash (spaghetti, 3 types pumpkin, yellow crookneck, scallop bush, zucchini) and 2 types pole beans
  • Elderberry with grape vine
  • Potatoes interplanted with Yin Yang and Blue Lake bush beans and Nasturtiums: 6 varieties potatoes planted vertically: purple, red, Yucon gold, yellow finn, banana fingerling and russet
  • Scarlet Runner bean Phaseolus coccineus
  • Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum
  • Costmary Tanacetum balsamita
  • Garden Sage Salvia offincinalis
  • Coneflower Echinacea purpurea
  • English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia
**Not shown but growing lower down are chives, calendula, wooly and creeping thyme, oregano, feverfew and nasturtiums

Pretty fulfilling to grow your own food; it goes hand in hand with happiness.

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