
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Akebia and Elderberry

Native Plant with Multiple Functions

Elderberry: Sambucus mexicana is our local Elder Tree.   At least six (6) useful attributes with only one plant!

•  Tall tree-like shrub provides shade decreasing ambient temperatures
•  Flowers provide insects with pollen and nectar
•  Berries provide humans and wildlife with food
•  Wood can be used for making arrows (as Maidu Native Americans still do)
•  Autumn leaves and branches provide food for the soil;  imperative for all of Nature’s cycles

don’t forget…

•  Absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while releasing oxygen back out!

Akebia quinata

Akebia quinata is a deciduous climbing vine growing to 36’ at a fast rate.  A native to China, Korea, and Japan it flowers in clusters of fragrant purple from April to May while the large seedpods ripen from September to October. 

Ideal for food forests or container gardening!  It grows well trained as a ‘living wall’ on North, East or West facing walls.  Ensure watering does not encourage spread as it can become a rampant if left to grow near riparian areas.  The dense mat of vines can displace native understory species.

USES: Akebia quinata fruit has a delicate flavor and a soft, juicy texture while the peeled stems are very pliable and can be used in basket making.

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